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track track

4.0 ( 6160 ratings )
Oyunlar Arcade Müzik
Geliştirici: MadApps LLC

Track track is the game where the speed and the pace depends on music.
Pick your favorite track from your music library, put on earphones and face the adventure! The faster the music - the faster youll be cracked up.
Watch out!

A-a-a-rgh! My tale! They’ve singled it once again! I hope Martian cockroaches will devour you! Curse it! That’s the last time for me to rob a bank. When I`ll finally get out of here, I will buy a captain’s jacket and will go for a one-year-long vacation somewhere over the seas.
Good music background, perfect beat and lets’ go dancing like a God on a vacation I’ve been dreaming of. Just listen to the magic of these words: The Caribbean islands, the mountains of South America, Argentinian bars – the world is full of undiscovered places. It has become impossible to keep on living like I do.
Jimmy, you are getting lost. Hey, you, downstairs, why are you shooting me? You’ll be frightened enough to go bald in just a minute. Do you know me? I am the Great Conquer Jimmy-raccoon, the Defeater of the 15 fleet. I’m on the wanted list all over the world. My jet pack has helped me get away of the fastest aces! The best moustache, the chin is up and I’m the only man in the club. I’ve shackled the ones like you and sold to the dirtiest slave markets. Why don’t you stop?
The money I’m stealing is not yours, so run your own way while your ears are still safe. I’ll remember all of you, I’ll be your worst nightmare, I will haunt you at night, clang teeth, snap your bones. Ha-ha, you’ll never get me! But that’s a hard place to escape. Never mind, the tipster always has an ace up his sleeve; no one has ever caught the greatest criminal on the Earth. Jimmy-raccoon will outwit you, fools. Haven’t I told you not to touch my tail?
All right, kids, you’d better take care of your noses or I’ll nip them off, so you’ll have to snot through the mouth. This reminds me of the runaway day from my country when the land was literally burning under my feet. Humanoids, they are always guilty for all the troubles of my people. Just a 100 million steal and everyone gets into a fuss. Every day, every second I’m being followed by the flaming roofs of the capital city. All of the sudden, they attacked us and had no quarters, sparing neither themselves nor captured ones, nor guilty, nor puppies or females.
The smartest raccoons escaped hiding in the darkest recesses and zoos. You, almost hit me, you, belching human cesspool! Only music in my headphones distracts from you, annoying gnats. One more track and let’s fight! The same way I was running through the dark chambers of my father’s palace, dodging lasers and straying discharges. Dad built for the ages, it was easy to get lost among these halls for a few days. It seemed to me that father did so especially for confusing visitors, but it was useful to me.
There was the storage of weapons and rare treasures on the upper floor. While Jimmy was climbing there the floor fell under his feet cause of explosions a couple of times, the walls around quickly covered with soot. The stairs were out of order, so were the elevators. Jimmy had to climb over the wall like the ancestors of these wretched human beings on the branches of trees. That was the day when Jimmys tail was on fire for the first time. That was like: a steaming ass, a wild snout, Jimmy reached the roof and faded, taking away his fathers treasury.
Anyway, these money couldn’t save his father. Although the plan could have failed at the very last moment. There have always been spare jet-packs for quick evacuation from the storage. That was the perfect example of raccoon scientific thought – small size, simple construction. You only have to drape it over your shoulders, kerf the mixer and sharply up! The young raccoon moved through space on high speed, leaving a whitening strip behind him. While flying over his home town on fire, he watched the atrocities of humanoids.
It was so long ago...

To be continued in track track